Train Better and Longer With Xtinguisher

September 14, 2008

Do you want to train harder and longer?

Do you want more explosive power?

Do you want better recovery?

Do you want better results while only changing 1 thing?

Max Muscle’s new Xtinguisher can deliver the punch you want to take you to a new level you never thought possible.
The advanced stack of scientifically proven ingredients will surprise you by increasing your performance without stimulants while giving you the results you want. You can use Xtinguisher anytime, day or night. Unleash your true nature and experience greater workouts and faster recovery time.

The breakthrough formula of Xtinguisher the best stack of Lactic Acid buffering substances known to science. Since the resent introduction of Beta-Alanine & Histidine, athletes reaching from the Olympics to the Olympia have been chomping at the bit to get their hands on the best formula that supports these novel ingredients. Xtinguisher is that formula.

Our Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Phil Harvey has added many other ingredients to pump up the Xtinguisher formula. These ingredients not only buffer Lactic Acid but speed up recovery time and remove toxins from your body.

Lactic Acid is the enemy of your workout. Your body won’t work if you become too acidic from Lactic Acid. Xtinguisher gives you the nutrients to turn Lactic Acid back into energy for you to get what you want from your workouts.

Warning: You may experience blood engorged muscular pumps causing you to feel beyond huge.

Expect only the highest purity, quality, potency & results from Max Muscle.

Maximum Muscle Podcast # 2

July 16, 2008

Maximum Muscle Podcast # 2

1. Fitness Muscle & Nutrition News
a. Prohormones
Looks like Tren, methyl-1-test & the legal cousin to Winni V will be banned sometime later this summer

b.2/3 of Americans are Too Fat

c. Gene Expression of Creatine

2. Max Muscle Supplement Spotlight
a. ThyrX
Our thyroids are like our car idols. When your car idol is too slow your car won’t start during a cold spell. If you get your car started it will slall, and run really rough.

If your thyroid is slow you can feel cold, have low circulation, depression, arthritis, and many more symptoms.

Many of the ingredients in ThyrX help regulate healthy thyroid activity. Coleus forskohlii can mimic thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) by activating a gene in thyroid cells.

Diiodo-L-Tyrosine mixed with iodine increases the levels of the fat burning thyroid hormones T3 & T4 and the fat burning stimulant adrenal hormones epinephrine and noradrenaline.

There are several ingredients containing, thyroid regulating, iodine. Iodine is the most common element to balance the thyroid.

Many other ingredients help fat loss by increasing your metabolic rate by other factors other than your thyroid.

3. Nutrient Timing
a.How to use Dieting Supplements
1. 8 – 12 week fat burning plan
A. Crash diets don’t work. Your body goes through too much of a change and can’t adjust to become balanced at your targety weight. If you have to put a lot of effort into change there has to be a lot of resistance to that change. Find the key to releasing the resistance to change. When you are proactive about change you will keep the results you see. You have to make your weight management a lifestyle change instead of something to do for a wedding.

Many people only look at the scale when they are losing weight. If you aren’t taking in enough protein while you are burning fat you will also lose muscle. The more muscle you have the higher your metabolism will be. Muscle is your friend to help you burn fat.

You want to eat at least 6 times a day. Simply look at how many calories you burn + how many calories you need to maintain and subtract 500 – 1000 kcals per day. Many people feel this is difficult so we at Max Muscle provide our Maxformation Nutritional Counceling.

Simple supplements that can be used to help with dieting.
1. ThyrX which is our spotlight product of the week.
2. ThermXX which is our powerful fat burner & diuretic with strong appetite support without being too strong of a stimulant.
3. Femme Lean is our new Women’s fat burner helping lower fat & appetite caused by hormonal disturbances
One of the active fat burning and pleasure giving ingredients in chocolate is in Femme Lean. Most of the pleasure of chocolate without the calories.
4. Anabol Cuts does exactly what most men are looking for; it helps build muscle while helping burn fat.
The mixture of Slimaluma that can help you slim your waist and Testofen which can increase your free testosterone. With the addition of Green Tea and Caffeine will feel a boost in the gym helping fire up your motivation to train to build muscle and burn fat.

4. Workout Timing
a.Circuit Training
Bootcamps: How to get the maximum out of them and how to fit them into your life.

The whole Bootcamp style workouts are huge. Many people get great results from Bootcamps but if done too often, for too long will result in overtraining.

The HIT (High Intensity Training) method is great to burn fat but if you do it too many times per week or too many weeks in a row you will burn out.

Bootcamps are great to start your general training cycle and strengthen your cardiovascular system while continuing to build muscle.

You will easily bring up your endurance while toning your body from doing Bootcamp training. Bootcamps are great to get you in shape when coming out of off-season or layoff. But be prepared for your cardio system to be taxed to it’s max.

5. Lessons from the Masters
Napoleon Hill
Napoleon Hill was the 1st self-help guru. Mr. Hill was a newspaper reporter who had the luck to interview the riches man in the world at the time, Andrew Carnagie. The interview was orginally last only 2 hours but lasted 2 days. At the end of the interview Carnagie asked Hill to become his unpaid intern for life. In exchange Carnagie would introduce Hill to everyone in Carnagie’s circle including Ford, Edison, Westinghouse,the board of directors of US Steel and other millionaires. Carnigie wanted Hill to study and formulate a system of how to become successful from all of his interviews of the great men of his time.

Hill’s 1st book “Think and Grow Rich” has been used as a platform for many of today’s self-help gurus. A lot of Tony Robbins philosophy is formed on the backbone of Hill’s philosophy. The majority of book and movie “The Secret” is a feel good version of Hill’s philosophy.

Napoleon Hill’s philosophy can be used by anyone and in almost every situation. It can easily be applied for getting better workouts and taking better care of yourself. You can also learn how to take the success you find in the gym and move it out into the rest of your life.

Next week I will start an overview of Hill’s 1st chapter of Think and Grow Rich and give you my take on how to apply it to you exercise training and how to apply it to the rest of your life.

Maximum Muscle Podcast # 1

July 16, 2008

Maximum Muscle Podcast will take you to the fast track of muscle growth, fitness and better nutrition.

This 1st Podcast describes what the future will hold.

I will explain why you can get great advice from a Championhip winning Powerlifter with 17 years of nutrition experience from working in the Sports Nutrition Industry. I am currently working for Max Muscle Sports Nutrition. This podcast and all of the opinions from the podcast and my blog are my opinions and not those of Max Muscle Sports Nutrition.

My goals and mission of Maximum Muscle Podcast is:

1. I will inform you of the newest and most important nutrition and muscle building news.

2. I will spotlight Max Muscle products and explain what result to expect from the product.

3. I will put into context how to mashup your workouts with your supplements. Some people have no idea why they are taking what they are taking. Growing mass while losing weight will never happen. Taking a dieting, appetite suppressing supplement while trying to pack on mass won’t work.

4. Lessons From the Masters is a how to do from the All time Great & Successful people the world has ever known. Everyone from Napoleon Hill, Anthony Robbins, Arnold, Jay, Ronnie, Sun Tzu and many, many more.