Max Muscle’s Grape Seed Extract

July 20, 2009

Grape Seed Extract

Grape seed extract is a major component of the Mediterranean diet. Our Grape seed extract contains Activin grape seed, a premium quality grape seed extract providing a rich source of biologically active flavonoids, including oligomeric proanthocyanidins. Grape seed extract acts as an anti-inflammatory that can help improve circulation. Oligomeric proanthocyanidins have very strong antioxidant activity. Grape seed contains the compound resveratrol which has been show in clinical studies to increase the median lifespan by 56% of fish studied.  Grape seed extract is a very powerful protective food that may have life extending properties.

Servings = 120-60 servings/1-2 daily

Directions = Take 1-2 tablets daily with food.

Ingredients = Activin® grape seed extract, Green Tea Extract, Lemon Bioflavoids, Trans-Resveratol, Cellulose

available @ Max Muscle San Diego

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.   This product information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Grapes & Green Tea Protect from Alzheimer’s

June 19, 2008

An ingredient inside grapes, green tea & chocolate blocks the toxic amyloid beta that can build up in the brain causing Alzheimer’s. This study was done on mice but the mice took the same amount of polyphenolic compounds inside grapes that an average person can take per day.
An analysis of the grape seeds used showed the major active ingredients are catechin and epicatechin, which are also abundant in tea and cocoa.

Another antioxidant from grapes that has been in the news lately is resveratrol. Resveratrol seems to only be effective at protecting against Alzheimer’s at extremely high doses. Catechins in the extract product studied appear to be effective at practical doses.

The Journal of Neuroscience
June 18, 2008 • Volume 28 Number 25
p 6388
Grape-Derived Polyphenolics Prevent A Oligomerization and Attenuate CognitiveDeterioration in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s DiseaseJun Wang, Lap Ho, Wei Zhao, Kenjiro Ono, Clark Rosensweig, Linghong Chen,Nelson Humala, David B. Teplow, and Giulio M. Pasinetti

Antioxidant in Wine Effects as Good as Dieting

June 11, 2008

Scientists at University of Wisconsin-Madison found that a small amount of resveratrol, an antioxidant in wine, gave the same anti-aging results low calorie diets in mice. Resveratrol seems to protect the heart and other muscles by better gene reading. One of the major ways all life ages is misreading of genes. The dose is equal to 333mg per day for a 150 pound person.

“The new findings, according to Weindruch and Prolla, provide strong evidence that resveratrol can improve quality of life through its influence on the different parameters of aging such as cardiac function. However, whether the agent can extend lifespan in ways similar to caloric restriction will require further study, according to the new report’s authors.”