Max Muscle’s Triple Whey Protein

July 23, 2009

Max Muscle Triple Whey Protein

Triple Whey Protein is a cost effective high quality protein powder. Triple Whey Protein contains Whey Protein Concentrate ,Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Protein Isolate and L-Glycine. Most people don’t take enough of clean sources of protein Triple Whey Protein provides an easy solution. Triple Whey Protein contains immune boosting beta-lactoglobulins, alpha-lactalbumin, serum albumin,immunoglobulins, lactoperoxidase, lactoferrin, glycomacropeptides, and lysozymes.  L-Glycine helps produce Growth Hormone.  Triple Whey Protein is an economical protein filled with high quality growth factors to give you the muscle growth you are looking for.

Servings = 65 servings/1 scoops per serving

Directions = Mix one scoop in 6-10 ounces of water,juice,non-fat milk,soy milk or any cold beverage of your choice.You can drink it 2-3 times per day as an excellent protein supplement.Triple Whey Protein is instantized so you can stir it with a spoon or shake it without a blender.Try mixing one or two scoops with 8 to 12 oz of your favorite liquid in a blender with 1 cup of ice.Add fresh,frozen or canned fruit like strawberries,bananas and pineapple for a great way to get your daily fruit and make your shake taste even better.Add an extra scoop of Triple Whey Protein for a super protein shake that exceeds 50 grams of protein.

Ingredients = Whey Protein Concentrate ,Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Protein Isolate, L-Glycine

available @ Max Muscle San Diego

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.   This product information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Understanding Insulin

February 20, 2009

 Understanding Insulin
rewritten by Dan Gilliland orginally written by Eric Cressey

Insulin is a very complex hormone. Insulin can be a very strong atheletic hormone, even stronger than some illegal steroids. Insulin’s main job is to shuttle carbs into your muscle cells to store for energy. When the muscle cells are full insulin shuttles carbs to be storing them in your liver. At the same time Insulin either stops or slows down the amount of carbs released from your liver. It can take several days to reload your liver with carbs. Your liver is a reserve tank, you have to be careful of emptying because it can take days to refill.

Insulin can slow down the burning of fat and speed up the storing of fat. Insulin is doing this because it is prioritising carb usage and contributing to storing calories the most effective way as fat. 

Insulin can slow down the breakdown of muscle.  Insulin can increase the building of muscle when enough amino acids are in place.  You may know of the “golden hour” after a workout.  Insulin is responsible for the golden hour.  If you time your meals correctly you will never need drugs to create muscle growth. 

The hormones glucagon, growth hormone, cortisol, and the catecholamines epinephrine and norepinephrine do the opposite of insulin.

Glucagon is mostly found in high amounts when a person is experiencing hypoglycemia.  Insulin is produced to counteract the hypoglycemia & blood sugar balance happens.

Growth Hormone counter-acts many actions of Insulin’s carb storage and stopping of fat burning.  GH does work with Insulin to create an anabolic enviroment for muscle growth.  GH can increase the effects of Insulin Growth Like Factors which make Insulin more effective at lower amounts.

The stress hormone Cortisol counters Insulin’s effects by blocking the uptake of Insulin causing Insulin resistance.  Cortisol increases the storage of fat.  Cortisol encourages the breakdown of muscle tissue.

Epinephrine and norepinephrine do the opposite of Insulin.   Epinephrine is very good moving at moving glycogen out of your liver encourging a quick turnover of carb storage and more calories being burnt.  Both epinephrine and norepinephrine increase the burning of fat and have muscle saving qualities.

Insulin decreases as long as you do sub-maximal exercise.  The more movement of your muscles do the more Insulin gets squezzed into your muscles and the more effecient it becomes.  Glucagon increases over long duration workouts to slowdown the amount of carbs being burned.   The amount Growth hormone  increases with the amout of intensity you put into your workout.

Timing your foods to use the power of Insulin to your advantage will be the driving force behind your dieting success. Craving bad food only happenes when your body is out of balance. Put your body back into balance and you can eat anything you want because you will only want what’s good for you. The best time to eat simple carbs is right after you have worked out. Your body needs simple carbs to quickly fill your muscles and liver up with glycogen. When you get full control of your Insulin your whole life will change for the better.

Creatine: Even More Anabolic than You Thought

July 18, 2008

Using supplemental Creatine increases the amount of IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Like Factor 1) inside muscles. IGF-1 is a catalyst for Insulin and is produced by Growth Hormone. IGF-1 stimulates cell growth and lengthens cell life. IGF-1 can protect against cell and DNA damage by way of an enzyme family called AKT. AKT builds muscle and slows down cell death.

Creatine increases Growth Hormone production. Acute creatine loading enhances human growth hormone secretion.

Growth Hormone increases the amount of IGF-1. Correlations of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I): effects of exercise and abuse by athletes.

Effect of Creatine Supplementation and Resistance-Exercise Training on Muscle Insulin-Like Growth Factor in Young Adults
IJSNEM, 18(4), August 2008,

“These findings indicate that creatine supplementation during resistance-exercise training increases intramuscular IGF-I concentration in healthy men and women, independent of habitual dietary routine.”

Power of Placebo in Sport

July 2, 2008

A study of the athletic effects of Growth Hormone show the athletes on the fake drug got better performance results than the athletes on the real drug. Placebo is a very real part of effects from treatment. Depending on the attitude of the people administering the treatment a person can be either effected in a positive way, placebo, or have the opposite response called nocebo.

“The study told us that athletes who were on the dummy drug, but who believed they were on growth hormone, thought their performance had improved and actually showed some improvement in all measures of performance. One test in particular, jump height or power, showed a significantly greater improvement among these incorrect guessers.”

“There were some men who were 110% sure they were on active treatment, and their cards said they were on placebo. They almost refused to believe it. It was as if some felt they’d been cheated.”